One of the simplest forms of a partnership is the simple partnership. Two or more persons enter into a contractual relationship in order to achieve a common purpose together.

A simple partnership is a partnership of two or more natural or legal persons who have a partnership agreement that pursues a common purpose. The uncomplicated formation is the simplest form of partnership and is used when other forms of company are out of the question. Such agreements are often concluded for temporary mergers until a project is completed, for example. Externally, the simple partnership acts as a community of interests and the companies remain economically and legally independent and therefore there is no company name, nor a common registered office. A simple partnership does not need to be entered in the Swiss commercial register, nor is it possible to do so. However, it is advisable to conclude a partnership agreement between the contracting parties. This contract should cover the following points:
Individual tasks and their distribution
profit and loss sharing
The legal form of a simple partnership is regulated in Swiss company law - Articles 530 to 551 CO.